JO-I Leadership and Development Team

Meet the team

The cosmo team always strives and brings the latest technology solutions every day to JO-I

Sharon Schulist
Founder & CEO
8 years EXP Customer Service.
3 years EXP Game Development.
Holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, with a major in Business Management.
Ida Turner
Product Specialist
8 years EXP Customer Service.
3 years EXP Game Development.
Holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, with a major in Business Management.
Gus Haag
Infrastructure Producer
8 years EXP Customer Service.
3 years EXP Game Development.
Holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, with a major in Business Management.
Hassan Barton
Accounts Supervisor
8 years EXP Customer Service.
3 years EXP Game Development.
Holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, with a major in Business Management.
Angela Lemke
Product Designer
8 years EXP Customer Service.
3 years EXP Game Development.
Holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, with a major in Business Management.
Ewald Mann
Accounts Supervisor
8 years EXP Customer Service.
3 years EXP Game Development.
Holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, with a major in Business Management.
Marlin Considine
Dynamic Security Supervisor
8 years EXP Customer Service.
3 years EXP Game Development.
Holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, with a major in Business Management.
Nicholas Mills
Accounts Supervisor
8 years EXP Customer Service.
3 years EXP Game Development.
Holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, with a major in Business Management.
Joel Harvey
Future Data Engineer
8 years EXP Customer Service.
3 years EXP Game Development.
Holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, with a major in Business Management.

Reliable and dedicated partners for JO-I

Our Partner

Partners who accompany and lay the foundation for JOI-I, join the ecosystem to accompany them and JO-I